Our Team
Oliver Reid, Principal

He has deep experience in integrating API’s such as Authorize.net, Google Maps, and Quickbooks Online with FileMaker Applications.
Oliver has had a career in finance, industrial engineering, management information systems, and strategic planning with Citibank, McKinsey, and American Express.
He holds an M.A. in Mathematics and Philosophy from Cambridge University, an M.B.A. from the University of Chicago, and a teaching diploma from Yale University.
He has also taught school mathematics from Pre-Algebra through AP Calculus, and was recognized as a “Distinguished Educator” by the US Department of Education in 2004.
Chandan Kumar, Lead Web Developer

He has developed small to very large applications using Technologies such Laravel, Magento2, WordPress, Woo Commerce, Angular, Vue, React, etc., along with Mobile Applications for Android and IOS.
He holds a masters degree in Computer Applications.
Chandan’s areas of expertise include:
PHP, MySQL, LAMP Stack (Linux,Apache,MySql,PHP)
Development Frameworks:- Laravel, WordPress, Woo Commerce, Magento 1 & 2
Front End Technologies: Angular, React, Vue, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, Ajax, JS, SASS
Web Technologies: Bower, Composer, Git, Grun, Gulp, Jira, Node, Ruby, Vagrant, etc.
IOS: Swift, Phone SDK & COCOA framework, Objective C, Xcode, Cocoa Touch, CoreData, SQLite.
Android: Java, Android SDK & Android Studio framework, XML (UI design), VOIP applications
Common Libraries: Guzzle (Curl, Rest), FBSKD (Facebook), GoogleSDK.Twillio (Telephony & SMS) – Maxmind (IP Geolocation) & more
Shailendra Rai, Senior PHP Developer

He holds a masters degree in in Computer Applications.
His areas of expertise include:
PHP, MySQL, LAMP Stack (Linux, Apache, MySql, PHP), MongoDB
Development Frameworks:- Codeigniter, CakePHP, Laravel
Web Technologies: VueJs, React Js, Type Script, Node Js, ExpressJs, Jquery, Redux, JavaScript, AJAX
Front End Technologies:- React, HTML5, jQuery, Ajax, JS, etc.
CMS:- WordPress, Magento
Third Party API’s: Facebook, Twitter, Google API, Gmail API, Stripe, Paypal, Mailchimp, Twilio, Plivo