JSON Tools

We have developed three (so far) tools to help FileMaker Developers work with JSON objects


jsonReconstructor is the essential starting point for a FileMaker developer working with a JSON object

In a few clicks, perform a complete analysis for  a JSON object and generate a FileMaker expression to create a similar one populated with data from your app.

Sub-elements can be extracted as a distinct objects



jsonNormalForMulator™ is a FileMaker utility that can parse a JSON object – such as one that has been retrieved from the documentation for a  Web Service API 

It can then can create and populate a normal form table structure for its content in FileMaker Pro.

It also creates a script for repeated data insertion from like structured JSON objects.



FMtoJSON™ is a FileMaker Add-On

It allows us, in a few clicks, to set up a calculation to generate a JSON Array object from any selection of fields and records from a FileMaker table.



This free utility validates a JSON string and highlights syntax errors for correction.
